• Booking Hours: Mon-Sun 09 AM - 9 PM (IST)

Gazal Thankachan

Gazal Thankachan

Consultant Psychologist
There is always an alternative thought - Gazal Thankachan

Gazal is a Consultant Psychologist who completed her post-graduation in Psychology from Kristu Jayanti Autonomous College, Bangalore. She has been working with Geothirbhavan CMI counselling centre, Pala from 2019. She also worked with Lifeline Charitable Trust, Pathinamthitta where she provided counselling, awareness and soft skill development classes for children and adolescents in rural and tribal areas. Her areas of interest and expertise include Children and Adolescent counselling, Student Counselling, Specific Learning Disabilities, mood disorders and other psychosocial issues along with Marital and Family Counselling.